Would You Play a Hallmark Christmas Movie Drinking Game?

Whether you're excited about Hallmark's nonstop Christmas movies starting last weekend, or you feel that it's way too early for Christmas themed content, this drinking game will be waiting for you if you decide to get sloshed for the Holidays. Seriously, I'm a frequent drinker, and used to indulge in a lot of drinking games, and I'm afraid to try this, haha! Here are some of the rules:

Take a Drink When …

  • Someone mentions how much they hate Christmas.
  • Someone complains about the “big city.”.
  • They make Christmas cookies.
  • Two characters almost kiss.
  • A character has a tight deadline.

Finish Your Drink When …

  • A character rediscovers the magic of Christmas.
  • There’s a misunderstanding between the main characters.

Take a Shot When …

  • The main characters fall in love.
  • It starts snowing when the main characters kiss

Some of these are up for interpretation so maybe you can err on the side of not giving yourself alcohol poisoning? To read more rules, or see more about Hallmark's movies, click the link in the tweet below!

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