What Your Wine Preference Apparently Says About You

Do you always reach for red, or are you a fan of whites when it comes to wine? Maybe you change it up? Well according to this survey if you prefer one over the other you may have a lot in common with those who share your tastes. Red wine drinkers are supposedly more likely to be early risers and more introverted, while white wine drinkers are the night owls who are extroverted. This survey also finds that red wine drinkers are adventurous and organized, prefer dogs over cats, and spend more per bottle than their white drinking counter parts who are more sarcastic and tend to be perfectionists.

Is any of this sounding familiar to you? Because I laughed out loud reading these stats! I am a red wine drinker through and through, but I am NOT a morning person, I am NOT organized, and I'm known to be a big talker who no one would describe as introverted! I am more of a dog person so I guess I fit in there. Oh...I will also say I'm an outlier from both red and white drinkers who spend an average of $40 and $37 per bottle respectively. I usually try to spend under $10, ha! Click the link in the tweet below to read more and see if you agree!

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