Dating App Hinge is Paying for Babysitters on Valentine's Day!

Hinge users got a surprise last Friday when they were prompted to enter a contest where if they were single parents, they could win a hundred dollar stipend to cover the cost of a babysitter for a Valentine's Day date! While they didn't have to have a date already in place to opt in for the chance at the cash, they were supposed to leave comments on profiles in hopes of making a connection.

The stipends are being made possible by Hinge's partnership with a French singer named Soko. She has donated $25,000 for the campaign becayse she is a mom herself and says that sometimes she "gets lost in that world where I'm 'just' being a mom non-stop," so she wants to help keep that from happening to other parents who may be looking for love.

The stipends were be given on a first come first serve basis, so it's not clear if there are still stipends available this year, but you can click the link in the tweet below to read more!

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