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Hasbro is Releasing a 'Millennial' Version of The Game of Life

It's actually called the Quarter Life Crisis edition...which is definitely something I complained of going through in my earlier 20s. It also states it now comes with crippling debt, so pretty accurate for a lot of Millennials! Other aspects of this new version include dropping your phone in the toilet and having to buy a new one, as well as the struggles of finding a job and dating on Tinder. The best thing though?? This isn't the only comically updated game Hasbro is releasing! You'll also be able to find a new edition of Clue that looks like it's based of the movie The Hangover because it's called 'What Happened Last Night? Clue Lost in Vegas'. There will also be modern versions of Mystery Date (Catfished: Dating in the Digital Age), Sorry! (Not Sorry!), and (Botched) Operation! Click the link in the tweet below to check them all out! 

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