My biggest criteria for a vacation...okay, right after "can I afford this?"... is usually is it near the beach? But, if you're more concerned with making sure there are high quality beverages for your vacation, you may want to consider heading to one of these cities, that according to a market research company have the most breweries per capita.
Here are the Top 5:
1. Portland, Maine
2. Asheville, North Carolina
3. Bend, Oregon
4. Boulder, Colorado
5. (tie) Kalamazoo, Michigan
5. (tie) Vista, California
5. (tie) Greenville, South Carolina
I've actually been to Asheville, and although it was to visit family, not specifically to go to breweries, I still made it to a few and it was really fun! Definitely vacation worthy! Click the link in the tweet below to see more about the best beer cities in the U.S.